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Making things clearer

The standard at-retirement packs that pension scheme members get as they approach retirement can often feel quite daunting, with so much information to digest and many options to consider.

Plus, with little flexibility around the content or layout of these packs, it can be difficult to provide members with information that is bespoke to their scheme – in a brand and language they’ll recognise.

That’s why we’ve been creating at-retirement wrappers for clients who have shared these concerns with us. These wrappers help to make the packs feel less overwhelming, while making the members’ options and what they need to do next much clearer.

This solution consists of a wrapper, which the standard packs can be tucked within, and an accompanying flow chart insert. The wrapper allows the pack to feel more palatable and bespoke to the pension scheme it has been produced for. And with the wrappers highlighting the different options available, it means that the content is much more accessible for readers.

The flow chart insert allows members to make informed decisions about their next steps, with a series of Yes/No questions that enable them to map their route to retirement and select the option that best fits their needs.

This approach helps to ensure that:

  • At-retirement packs are more accessible and less daunting for members.

  • Members can easily decode and grasp the information they are given regarding their retirement options.

  • Members can make informed decisions regarding their next steps towards retirement.

  • Retirement packs feel more bespoke to the pension scheme they have been produced for.